Savadi, Varun Vijay

Thin layer activation analysis of 16O induced reactions for surface wear studies in some natural isotopes - Vol.57(8), Aug - New Delhi NISCAIR 2019 - 566-569p.

In the present work, the residual activity induced in 181Ta targets bombarded with 16O beam in the energy range ≈70-100 MeV have been measured. Stacked foil activation has been employed to measure the cross-sections of the several radio-isotopes populated through different nuclear reaction across various energies. Yields of the radio-isotopic products such as 194,193,192Tl, 193,192Hg, 192,191,190Au have been obtained with the help of the characteristic γ-lines. Further, calibration curves are deduced by observing remnant activity induced across different depths in the target material. As a result an attempt has been made to employ thin layer activation technique with increased sensitivity for the study of surface wear.

Humanities and Applied Science
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