Agarwal, Naman

Different Energy Efficiency Techniques for Coal Fired Power Plants - Vol.4(2), Jul-Dec - New Delhi Journals Pub 2018 - 26-32p.

Recent survey and studies on saving of electricity have concluded that the significant portion of electricity is being wasted due to improper use of electrical appliances, mainly in residential buildings and office buildings. The power plants using the old techniques which produce not only less efficient output but also lot of emission of harmful gases. Coal-fired plants are the major electricity supplier; at the same time, it is responsible for 28% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. This paper deals with the different techniques used to obtain energy efficiency in coal-fired power plants as this power plant contributes most of the power production. The different techniques and methods used in generating stations to utilize and to produce the energy efficiently are analysed.

Electrical Engineering
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