Gupta, Sagar

Tactical Urbanism For A New Urban India : An Experimental,Incremental And Participatory Approach To Designing Cities - Vol.84(10), Oct - Mumbai The Indian Institute of Architects 2019 - 29-35p.

Systems, demography and life in Indian cities is facing complex transformation. Rapid urbanization has put forth the demand for a new thinking process of planned development. In recent past, small scale attempts to improve urban areas, referred a stactical urbanism, have inspired planners around the world to consider low-cost, experimental and incremental projects as a means to sustainable urban development. The momentum of tactical urbanism has been in creasing; however, the role of planners and the importance of such experiments in professional planning exercises, especially in India, remain undefined. The research investigates how tactical projects allow citizens to participate in urban change, and give planners a chance to develop inclusive, acceptable and sustainable planning policies over a period of time. Drawing satisfactory evidence on tactical approach to urban planning, findings of the research suggest that if our cities require big plans and policies, they also require small tactics, and the momentum of huge visionary policies can also be collectively attained by smaller tactical projects and schemes.

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