Saxena, Shanky
Designoptimization in geometry of seismic mass for MEMS based cantilever type piezoelectric energy harvester for motor vibrations - Vol.57(5), May - New Delhi CSIR 2019 - 334-337p.
Piezoelectric energyharvestersaresuitableforvibrationenergyharvestingduetosimpledesign,operationand fabricationinMEMStechnology.Cantilever structures fixed from one end and seismic mass at the other must tune to different resonance frequency to ensure widebandfrequencyoperation.Adequatewidthtolengthratio ofcantileverisrequiredtoavoidcurlingofcantilevers(bending).Effectofincreaseinwidthofthecantilever structureonresonance frequency has beeninvestigatedand alsocomparedanalytically in this paper.Anoptimizeddesignhas beenproposedwhichcompensatesfor theincreaseinresonancefrequencyduetoincreaseinwidthbychangingthegeometryoftheseismicmass.Wi t h t h e c h a n g e i n ge o me t r y o f s e i s mi c ma s s ashiftincenterofmasshas beenachievedtowardsthefreeendofthecantileverwhichreducestheresonancefrequency which is desirable. Thedesign optimization of seismic mass reportedin this paperreducestheresonancefrequencyby4.27% which is appreciated as it is required to harvest ambient vibrations having low frequency.
Humanities and Applied Science
Designoptimization in geometry of seismic mass for MEMS based cantilever type piezoelectric energy harvester for motor vibrations - Vol.57(5), May - New Delhi CSIR 2019 - 334-337p.
Piezoelectric energyharvestersaresuitableforvibrationenergyharvestingduetosimpledesign,operationand fabricationinMEMStechnology.Cantilever structures fixed from one end and seismic mass at the other must tune to different resonance frequency to ensure widebandfrequencyoperation.Adequatewidthtolengthratio ofcantileverisrequiredtoavoidcurlingofcantilevers(bending).Effectofincreaseinwidthofthecantilever structureonresonance frequency has beeninvestigatedand alsocomparedanalytically in this paper.Anoptimizeddesignhas beenproposedwhichcompensatesfor theincreaseinresonancefrequencyduetoincreaseinwidthbychangingthegeometryoftheseismicmass.Wi t h t h e c h a n g e i n ge o me t r y o f s e i s mi c ma s s ashiftincenterofmasshas beenachievedtowardsthefreeendofthecantileverwhichreducestheresonancefrequency which is desirable. Thedesign optimization of seismic mass reportedin this paperreducestheresonancefrequencyby4.27% which is appreciated as it is required to harvest ambient vibrations having low frequency.
Humanities and Applied Science