Bhattacharya, Ankan

Compact printed hexagonal ultra wideband monopole antenna with band-notch characteristics - Vol.57(4), April - New Delhi CSIR 2019 - 272-277p.

This article presents a compact, printed hexagonal monopole, ultra wideband antenna along with band-notch characteristics. The proposed monopole antenna consists of a printed hexagonal radiating element and a defected ground structure. Printed round-slot geometry and defected ground structure play a vital role in achieving the ultra wide bandwidth. Band-notch characteristics for eliminating the interference arising from the existing WLAN (5.15 – 5.825 GHz) band has been incorporated in the antenna frequency response by the insertion of C-shaped stubs near the feeding segment. The antenna shows a decent gain of ≥ 3.0 dBi throughout the entire bandwidth except at the notched frequency band. Measured results agree well with the simulated values.

Humanities and Applied Science
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