Sharma, Gvss

Fostering Higher Order Thinking Skills in Engineering Drawing - Vol,34 Issue (1) Jul - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2021 - 28-40p

Engineering drawing is a basic engineering course, which is popularly remembered as the language of engineers and finds the applications in all the domains of engineering as well as architecture. And now due to the intervention of computing facility, it gained further momentum in the field of engineering and technology. This paper traces the development of higher order thinking (HOT) skills in the field of engineering drawing. This paper makes an attempt in proposing distinct platforms for inculcating higher order thinking skills among the engineering students, which further enables them to achieve their highest potential and prepare them to propose solutions for the real world problems. Spatial visualization coupled with an intensive practise in free-hand sketches and manual drafting which is slowly dwindling in today's era of computerization, is proposed for improving HOT skills in the domain of engineering drawing. Students' understanding of the engineering drawing course has registered a substantial improvement and is recorded in the assessment performed.

Humanities and Applied Science
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