Prasad, Durga G. S.
Accreditation of Self-Financing Technical Institutions in India: A New Perspective to Improve Quality - Vol, 33 (2) Oct - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2019 - 48-55p
paper presents an overview of the Indian technical education system and upholds the importance of accreditation in the improvement of quality. The advantages of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and National Board of Accreditation (NBA) accreditation system is outlined in a brief way with an emphasis particularly on the self-financing institutions. It identifies the reasons of very low level of accreditation work completed by the NBA since its inception. The paper points out some shortcomings in the policy rating scheme followed by NBA. Some important recommendations have been made to render the accreditation system more effective and acceptable to various stakeholders of the technical institutions in India. If these recommendations are implemented, not only it helps in the accreditation of a large number of technical institutions in India but also improves quality of higher education in a very competitive way.
Humanities and Applied Science
Accreditation of Self-Financing Technical Institutions in India: A New Perspective to Improve Quality - Vol, 33 (2) Oct - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2019 - 48-55p
paper presents an overview of the Indian technical education system and upholds the importance of accreditation in the improvement of quality. The advantages of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and National Board of Accreditation (NBA) accreditation system is outlined in a brief way with an emphasis particularly on the self-financing institutions. It identifies the reasons of very low level of accreditation work completed by the NBA since its inception. The paper points out some shortcomings in the policy rating scheme followed by NBA. Some important recommendations have been made to render the accreditation system more effective and acceptable to various stakeholders of the technical institutions in India. If these recommendations are implemented, not only it helps in the accreditation of a large number of technical institutions in India but also improves quality of higher education in a very competitive way.
Humanities and Applied Science