Tipnis, Aishwarya

Vernacular traditins: contemporary architecture - New Delhi 2012 - x,232 Pages | Binding - Paperback |

Will the vernacular simply disappear, or will it adapt itself to the changing ecological and cultural environment? Will it continue to be stigmatized as an image of poverty and backwardness or will it be eradicated and replaced with more modern buildings? In a rapidly developing economy faced with environmental crisis, climate change, globalization, and mass migration, one is concerned about the relevance of vernacular traditions in contemporary life. Vernacular traditions are a creative process developed by the interpretation of past knowledge and experience, negotiated and adapted by generations to meet the needs and challenges of time. Vernacular architecture is a physical manifestation of environmental, social, and economic constraints, and forms an important part in the evolution of mankind. The dynamic nature of vernacular traditions allows them to constantly evolve and adapt to the changing socio-cultural environment. These traditions are inherently sustainable in nature and hold valuable lessons that may be applied to contemporary architectural practice. The book Vernacular Traditions: Contemporary Architecture tries to ascertain whether the vernacular can be used as a model for sustainable development combining valuable lessons from the past with equality valuable moder technology to solve the problems of the 21st century. The introductory essay focuses on the concept of sustainability and attempts to highlight the inherent sustainability in the vernacular architecture of India.



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