Igarasghi, Jun

Jun Igarasghi Architects created floating forms - Vol.36(7), July - New Delhi Burda Media India Private Limited 2019 - 54-59p.

Charles Moore says, “When I see the map, the coastal rich variety such as bays and ports, islands and archipelagos, coves and estuaries is more interesting than a simple coastline where the land hits the ocean. And the room is a spacious ocean ground architectural version. Places like complicated topography to the ocean are alcove etc, which enables basic human actions.”

This building is a shop-combined-housing built in Kitami city is the east town of Hokkaido. On this site, three sides face the road. A neighbour is built in the east. In the south, the neighbourhood is built with a road of width 6m, where it fell by about 1.3m. In the west there are two very lane roads with very high traffic on one side ‘Tonden-dori’. In the north is a context with elementary schools across a road with a width of 8m. Three parking lots for shops that are the owner’s request were placed north-west of the site that allowed smooth access to the premises. The transport vehicle space is placed to the east side of the site.

The building’s volume is developed from the approaching store so that the backyards such as trucks and container places cannot be seen. In order to arrange the entrance of the store to an invisible position according to the request of the owner, an alley was made and planned that the visitors pass through the courtyard.

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