Nambiar, Abhijit

Adaptive reuse : Revival of India United Mills no 2&3, Kalachowkie - New Panvel AIKTC, School of Architecture 2021 - 72p. | Binding- Hard Bound | 29.5*21.5 cm

From the early 19th century, Mumbai mills have played an important role in the cities economic condition, urban development and communal structuring. They have always been a vital part of Mumbai's heritage, are now abandoned due to their lack of architectural, historical, and symbolic significance. There have been some redevelopment projects merely on commercial, residential and political exploitations. These developments do not think about the long history of these mills, their contribution to the city and the impact of these projects on the immediate neighbouring context. This study is an effort to explore the redevelopment proposals for the mills in central Mumbai and revitalize the specific area around and within the precinct.

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