Delwadia, Swati

Impact of Smart City Infrastructure Projects on ULBs: a Case of Ahmedabad - Vol.18(1), Jan-March - New Delhi Institute of Town Planners 2021 - 44-63p.

In the trending vibes of smart city concept, in India, now it is very important to
understand that how will such kind of practices in urban development help the cities
in becoming more sustainable and efficient than they already are. Therefore, the study
aims to understand the impact of smart city concept, in infrastructural development,
taking the case of Ahmedabad smart city. The impact of Smart Cities Mission in India
and its approach to using ICT in infrastructure development is highlighted in this
paper. The study has taken three key infrastructure projects of the city which has
involvement of smart components in making it better for increased service delivery.
Each infrastructure project’s performance, in the system, has been assessed before and
after the implementation of the smart component and the benefits or the loss gained
by it has been drawn out.

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