Gupta, Vivekanand

Provisioning urban toilets : Perspectives from smaller cities - Vol. 18, Issue 3 - New Delhi Institute of Town Planners 2021 - 96-100p.

The efforts of augmenting toilets in urban areas have seen a major spurt in recent
years. This article presents an analysis of challenges in augmenting toilets and improve
accessibility closely observed in three mid-sized north Indian cities during 2018-2020
under ‘Engaged Citizens Responsive City Program’, good practices and the ways forward.
Some of the accessibility challenges include insufficient coverage and unavailability
of facilities to women and maintenance issues. Planning for city-wide public and
community need a more scientific approach using geographic information systems.
Augmentation of individual toilets requires a major fix through a citizen owned data and
some programmatic interventions for both ODF and non-ODF cities. Engaging citizens
is a must to bring a behavioral change contextual to safe management of septage, for
which participatory methods of learning may prove to be a boon.


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