Samant, Anushka

Protean living adapting to the climate crisis - Vol.86(6), June - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 35-40p.

The timescales of the Earth’s climatic processes are slow.
Even in the best-case scenario, if we cut down all carbon emissions
by 2050, we are still looking at 1.5oC of warming. Presently, at 1oC
of warming, and 415 ppm of carbon [1], these impacts are already
catastrophic. As these numbers translate into real life climatic disas-
ters, people across the globe are in search of safer lands and better
opportunities. However, not all communities have the same capacity
to move away, and those in fragile areas, who have had minimal con-
tributions to this problem, and are living in poverty are most vulnera-
ble to the impact of these changes. We need to bring to realisation, a
world where everyone has the ability to combat this crisis.
The objective of this dissertation is to study the impact of
the changing climatic patterns on the people on the frontlines in
India, specifically the coasts. The study also looks at adaptation tac-
tics across a wide spectrum- from indigenous techniques to modern
technology. It also explores methods of polyvalent adaptation, in-
cluding the scope of migration as a strategy. The dissertation as-
sesses the scope of the built interventions in adapting to the crisis.

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