Balakrish- nan, Gita

Burma Burma - Vol.86(6), June - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 96-99p.

A gift for my fiftieth birthday, Burma Chronicles, a
graphic novel by Guy Delisle whet my curiosity once again for
this country, that I had read of only in the news until Ami-
tav Ghosh’s Glass Palace brought it to life, a few years ago.
But the actual trip to Myanmar began to take shape when I
met a college friend at a conference and we decided to spend
New Years’ Eve (2019-20) together with friends. We were
three families that decided on going together and just as I
had bought our tickets, the other two dropped off ! That is
when I realised that making plans with friends who are a cou-
ple of years apart has its risks. We were an empty nest while
the other two had college or school-going children and un-
derstandably, academic schedules took over. So that made me
and my husband, lovebirds going on another honeymoon to
an exotic land!

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