Sudheesh, S.

Private residence - Vol.86(4), April - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 40-42p.

This house was designed as a small, but big home
for a lottery seller, his wife and their 5-year old son,
with a grandmother visiting regularly. It was built
with a limited budget on a small sloping site in the
warm humid tropical climate of Kerala. Instead of
dictatorially curating each part of the space for the
client, this residence negotiates the dual existence
of ownership, both by the architect in terms of his
designed signature object, and by the user in terms
of the intimate customisable spaces where he can
design how he uses them.
This is an attempted mediation between
home and house, user and designer- the former ac-
commodating the intimate spatial personalisation
and memory formation by the client, while the lat-
ter becomes the image, or signature, of the architect.

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