Budihal, Suneeta

Redesign of Digital Circuits course for enhanced learning - Vol,35(4), April - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2022 - 163-170p

paper presents the restructuring of course design and delivery, to attain the enhanced learning in Digital Circuits course through pedagogic practices and hands on experience in laboratory. The objective of the paper is to enhance the understanding of the course beyond the class room teaching. The traditional approach of course design, course delivery and course assessment provide less scope for better learning of courses. To address the limitations of traditional approaches, an Outcome Based Education (OBE) proposes many pedagogical practices. The paper proposes a framework to restructure the Digital Circuits course w.r.t.. to content delivery in the class, course projects and the reframing the laboratory experiments. The contents delivery is supported by expert lecture through videos, course project is aided by concept/prototype development and the lab is formulated to exercise multiple problems on a single topic. The students' attainment is measured and analyzed through examination results and feedback. The technical and professional outcomes are achieved through the proposed framework.

Humanities and Applied Sciences
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