Norin,Veniamin Aleksandrovich

The Experience of Distance Learning Under Emergency Conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic - Vol, 36(1), July - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2022 - 111-128p

Actions to organize learning under the conditions of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) are currently being taken worldwide. In most countries, learning institutions are fully or partially closed, while all students are adopting distance learning. Closure of universities and emergency adoption of distance learning are related to obvious issues mainly caused by insufficient equipment and no or poor preparedness of teachers to work in new conditions. The current level of hardware and software development, limited opportunities of the Internet, and the level of distance learning organization fail to ensure high-quality education that would be comparable to traditional offline classroom education. These and other issues challenge the education system in a crisis situation. This study intends to analyze the modern situation and measures taken to arrange distance learning in the conditions of leaving conventional classroom learning for distance learning. This gave an insight on preparedness of students, university teachers to ensure continuous education in the time of crisis. The obtained data revealed primary issues of adopting distance learningand advantages of online studies, the need to develop and implement a new model of learning process that can be called combined. Traditionally, this model combines full-time attendance using online courses with synchronous distance learning. The article describes the revealed drawbacks of MS Teams in the learning process and solutions on how to eliminate them.

Humanities and Applied Sciences
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