Reddy, Ravi Kumar

Ekādaśarudrapathá, the mythical and enchanting kāśī viśvanātha dhāma - Vol.87(8), Aug - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2022 - 31-39p.

Though tradition has evolved with culture, both revolve through
ingenuity of a cyclic feedback to a stage where the ritualistic social
behaviours have transcended to grace the architectural forms and
spaces to a status of psychological belongingness, where religious
culture is evident while keeping cherished traditions inherent.
Sacral architecture of spaces in a religious precinct reverberates
the ethos of its cultural background associated with its evolution.
The later built forms of Kāśī Viśvanātha Dhāma in Varanasi are
seen to mature to a state where the representation of Rudra, the
multiplicity of forms of Āḍi-Viśveśvara, to the internal self of the
deity or Ātman, immerse the devotee to the ultimate. The path
across Kāśī Viśvanātha Dhāma shall be examined with respect to
appropriate architectural details and supportive facilities given to
devotees, which take them through an engagement of progressive
accession of spirituality. Kāśī Viśvanātha Dhāma is seen to mature
to be a venerated hermitage which merges the conceptuality of
Rudrabhūmi that is traceable to cosmic geometry. The calculations
of the respective cosmic math and mapping to the spiritual spaces
with progressive segregation sustains not only the invocation of
benevolent actuality for devotees but also their psychological

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