Sogani, Tushar

Vishwakarmathe divine designer - Vol.87(12), Dec - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2022 - 85p.

Vishvakarma is a craftsman deity and the divine architect
of the devtas in contemporary Hinduism. Son of the God
Brahma, Vishwakarma is said to have designed the entire
universe. In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishvakarma is regarded
as the “God of Architecture”. He is considered the divine
engineer and the principal architect of the universe and the
chief deity of all architects and engineers.
Ancient Hindu texts have many references to Vishwakarma
as the architect of the Gods. Images of the God Vishwakarma
represent him with four hands, wearing a crown and gold
jewellery. He holds a water-pot, a book, a noose and
craftsman's tools in his hands.

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