Saxena, Hardik

Construction delays in India: A review of shifting focus, mitigation, methodologies, and research gap - Vol.97(2), Feb - Mumbai ACC LTD 2023 - 46-58p.

The demand for construction is increasing with the rise in population. It is necessary to check the construction performance and economy of the project in a developing nation. Delays in planning and execution are a proven challenge for the construction industry for a long time. It directly affects the construction performance and economy of the project. The earlier studies focusing on construction delays provide various evidence on causes, classification, and mitigation of delay factors. Even with all the evidence, construction projects in India continue to suffer from delays. The objective of this article is to examine the trends and focus of research on construction delays over the last two decades and identify the research gaps. The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and metaanalyses (PRISMA) technique is used to assess the literature on construction delays. Classification and analysis of studies are carried out based on journal representation, year of publication, type, nature of the study, sector of study, and mitigation tools adopted. Finally, this paper suggests areas for future research focus based on the findings of the literature review to further address the issue of construction delays. The identified research gaps are sector-specific delay factors, the study of delay factors and their respective impact, the lack of standardization of building information modelling (BIM), and the impact of delays on the environment. The paper adds value by facilitating researchers to decide the focus area in delay studies and the scope for their future research not only from conceptual but also from methodological points of view.

Civil Engineering
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