Pawar, Rajendra

Enhancing product development skills of engineering students through diversified group activities - Vol.37(1), Jul - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2023 - 20-30p.

The paper aims to examine the effect of diversity on student performance and the skill sets in an Engineering exploration and design project ( E E D P ) c o u r s e . T h e c o u r s e c o n s i s t s o f multidisciplinary modules, and each module is designed and delivered with diversified group activities considering the skill requirement of the product development process. The course aims to develop multidisciplinary product development culture in the first year of engineering studies with a diversified approach. The diversified student project groups are formed with a maximum group size of four. Considering the need statements, week-wise activity sessions within a group are planned so that students can acquire technical and soft skills. The course is designed and taught by a group of four faculties from multiple engineering disciplines using Project-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy. As a result of this activity, every year, more than 600 students have been trained, and more than 120 prototypes/products have been developed to fulfill the stakeholders' needs. During the student project exhibition, it is observed that students have acquired outstanding product development skills such as project management, teamwork, communication, interpersonal skills, and technical as well as research skills.

Humanities and Applied Sciences
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