Kaur, Rashpinder.

Using concept inventory for assessing conceptual knowledge in the signals and systems course - Vol.37(1), Jul - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2023 - 41-50p.

The engineering schools usually target problem-solving skills in students instead of conceptual development, which is an essential skill for transformation from novice to professional engineer as per the program objective. Improving a student's conceptual knowledge can help students understand a problem better and develop a better solution. Conceptual understanding also assists students in identifying gaps in their problem-solving techniques. This paper attempts to administer a Signal and System Concept Inventory (SSCI) to test the conceptual knowledge of core concepts of signals and systems course and then identify the correlation of post-test scores with the student's performance in the end-term exam. The result shows that the students who scored above 80% in concept inventory also performed outstanding in the end-term examination. The result also indicates that most of the students able solve questions on background mathematics and polezero plots but struggled with convolution and Fourier analysis.

Humanities and Applied Sciences
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