Liu, Qin

Comparative analysis of risk based on inversion of earthquake source parameters - Vol.(1), Mar - USA Springer 2023 - 29-38p.

On March 11 2011, 05:46 UTC, an earthquake of magnitude Mw9.0 occurred near the east coast of Honshu Japan (38.3 °N, 142.4 °E), generating a tsunami disaster. The numerical simulation of tsunami is based on the source parameters measured by scientific research institutions (USGS, ERI and CENC), so the result was obtained of temporal and spatial variation characteristics of tsunami height. Comparing three sets of values to observation of the DART-21418, the coincidences were discussed and differences quantitatively. The authors have pointed out that relying on the different source parameters for numerical simulation is uncertain, which maybe causes detail features missing and tsunami early warning information inaccurate.

Humanities and Applied Sciences
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