Sarkar, Debasis

Grey water recycling systems: a study of economic implications and potential applications in residential and commercial projects - Vol.26(2), Apr-Jun - Pune NICMAR 2011 - 5-13p.

Greywater is the household wastewater which has not been contaminated by toilet discharge water and thus includes wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines, sinks and laundry tubs. Greywater recycling is a component of sustainable green building technology which eases the problem of scanty water supply in residential and commercial buildings. Affordability of such technologies has always been a contentious issue amongst the middle income group in India. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the affordability and potential applications of such systems in Indian context considering the life cycle cost and benefit cost analysis of such technologies which are strong decision making tools for the feasibility judgment of such technologies.

Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)
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