Quadrant 2015 : Annual Conference - 2015 - New Panvel AIKTC-SoA 2015

Quadrant Conference 2015, an annual symposium for pedagogues and practitioners of Design & Archtiecture across India. The AIKTC School of Architecture presents Quadrant Conference (9th-10th Jan. 2015) as the finale to NIASA organized Faculty Induction Program (FIP- 6th to 10th Jan.2015)

This conference is an attempt to get pedagogues and designers on a common platform. Quadrant would be an arena for common discussions, to improve the teaching and design process with influences from fields allied to design. The faculty training programme is a part of the conference so that all the young and senior faculty get a chance to interact and expand their horizons.

AIKTC Publication

Sudhir Patwardhan, Kamu Iyer Kedar Bhat Neha Modgil Amol Patil Parul Kumtha Aneetha Rao Kasuganthi Sonam Ambe
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