Erden, Zühal
Studying the impact of the “undergraduate research projects” course in mechatronics engineering on the professional career development of engineers - Vol.37(4), Apr - Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024 - 58-70p.
Undergraduate research (UR) in engineering education is an important active learning strategy, and it is widely used through various implementation styles. Several studies have been conducted to assess the contribution of UR experience in the career path of alumni from an academic point of view and based on graduate studies. This paper is focused on the assessment of UR experience gained through a two-semester long “Undergraduate Research Projects” course sequence, on the professional career of mechatronics engineering alumni. The results of a survey-based investigation show that such UR experience is considered beneficial by the alumni in three main aspects: employment, entrepreneurship and the effect of the obtained knowledge and skills on the professional career. The feedback from the alumni has revealed that this experience contributes significantly to the development of their research abilities. In addition, many graduates emphasized that the UR experience is beneficial for employment as well as for theiracademic and professional development. The suggestions from the alumni concerning collaboration with the industry, course methodology, and selection of project topics form a basis for systematic UR model development by faculties in the future.
Humanities and Applied Sciences
Studying the impact of the “undergraduate research projects” course in mechatronics engineering on the professional career development of engineers - Vol.37(4), Apr - Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024 - 58-70p.
Undergraduate research (UR) in engineering education is an important active learning strategy, and it is widely used through various implementation styles. Several studies have been conducted to assess the contribution of UR experience in the career path of alumni from an academic point of view and based on graduate studies. This paper is focused on the assessment of UR experience gained through a two-semester long “Undergraduate Research Projects” course sequence, on the professional career of mechatronics engineering alumni. The results of a survey-based investigation show that such UR experience is considered beneficial by the alumni in three main aspects: employment, entrepreneurship and the effect of the obtained knowledge and skills on the professional career. The feedback from the alumni has revealed that this experience contributes significantly to the development of their research abilities. In addition, many graduates emphasized that the UR experience is beneficial for employment as well as for theiracademic and professional development. The suggestions from the alumni concerning collaboration with the industry, course methodology, and selection of project topics form a basis for systematic UR model development by faculties in the future.
Humanities and Applied Sciences