Sharma, Pooja

Reexamination of staggering in gamma band energy: a novel formulation to understand shape transitions in nuclei - Vol.62(11), Nov - New Delhi NISCAIR 2024 - 979-983p.

The study of deformed atomic nuclei focuses on distinguishing between axial γ-rigid and γ-soft asymmetric configurations. In our groundbreaking research, we offer a staggering parameter S(4) as an indicator, linking it with the asymmetry parameter (γ0) and the Grodzins product (E(21+)*B(E2)) in distorted nuclei. This work uses empirical data to determine a first-order phase change in nuclei by examining the association between rotational momentum (J=4). This method answers long-standing concerns and is used to well-deformed isotopes (Gd to Hf). This revolutionary method's simplicity suggests that it has a wide range of applications.

Humanities and Applied Sciences
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