Stephan, Martin

Hospital pharmacy - 1st - New York 2009 - 285, 23.2*15.6 Pages | Binding - Paperback |

The pharmacy department is now an established part of most hospitals with the pharmacist playing a pivotal role in the pharmaceutical care of the patient. Hospital Pharmacy recognises the changes in the practice of pharmacy within the hospital setting and provides a detailed discussion of the vast range of services that are now provided. Each chapter is devoted to an area of pharmacy practice and considers its history and current practice before concluding with future developments. As well as considering well-established facets of hospital pharmacy practice, such as technical services and clinical pharmacy, this text also considers the evolving relationship of the hospital pharmacy with other healthcare departments. This new introductory text to the practice of pharmacy in secondary and tertiary care is essential reading for all healthcare professionals including pharmacy undergraduate students and pre-registration graduates. Hospital Pharmacy recognizes the changes in the practice of pharmacy within the hospital setting and provides a detailed discussion of the vast range of services that are now provided. Each chapter is devoted to an area of pharmacy practice and considers its history and current practice before concluding with future developments. As well as considering well-established facets of hospital pharmacy practice, such as technical services and clinical pharmacy, this text also considers the evolving relationship of the hospital pharmacy with other healthcare departments.


Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy


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