Journal of the institution of engineers (India): Series A : Civil, Architectural, Environmental and Agricultural Engineering - Switzerland Springer

This Journal serves the national and international engineering community through dissemination of scientific knowledge on practical engineering and design methodologies pertaining to civil, architectural, environmental and agricultural engineering. Original manuscripts are published on Peer review in all the areas including (but not limited to) structural designs, green buildings, environmental pollutions or agricultural crops related researches. It covers all possible areas of latest research and developmental works in the field of infrastructure developments, waste management techniques, harvestings methodologies, rainwater harvestings etc. so that the researchers, scientists or professionals can easily motivate themselves to pursue the work. Series-A publishes research findings and opinions of various scientists and engineers related to the field of Civil, Architectural, Environmental and Agricultural. It covers different kinds of technological researches on the latest developmental domain of highly specialized fields like, earthquake engineering, geo-technical engineering, ocean engineering, structural engineering, traffic & highway engineering, industrial waste treatment, climate change, environmental pollutions, irrigation, water management, soil conservation practices, farm power & machineries, dairy & food engineering, post-harvest technology, and so on. It also serves the researchers and practitioners for performing a variety of analyses in the arena of green buildings, Energy Efficient Buildings, pollution related measures, food security and many more. The academicians and professionals have made efforts to find out the probable solutions to the issues as derived from natural, geographical, socio-economical and cultural conditions of the globe. Their achievements have contributed a lot to the evolution of research findings. Especially, the achievements in structural engineering have contributed to the world by developing technologies to ensure safety of buildings in earthquake-prone zones. This journal aims to contribute to resolve or mitigate the global as well as national problems by bringing together the new ideas, achievements and developments being taking place in this field. The editors welcome good quality contributions from all over the world. This Series covers the following areas:

· Construction Planning & Management, Earthquake Engineering

· Geo-technical Engineering

· Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering

· Ocean Engineering

· Structural Engineering, Traffic & Highway Engineering

· Green Building

· Energy Efficient Building

· Town Planning

· Infrastructure Development

· Environment impact of Agricultural Engineering Development Activities

· Water Supply Engineering

· Sewage Treatment, Disposal and Solid Waste Management

· Industrial Waste Treatment, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation and Hygiene

· Irrigation, Drainage, Water Management, Soil Conservation Practices

· Surface Irrigation, Integrated Watershed Development, Percolation Tank, Ground Water Recharge etc.

· Sprinkler and Micro Irrigation, Well Technology, Irrigation Pumps

· Farm Power and Machineries

· Processing of Food Products

· Post-harvest Technology and Agriculture Process Engineering


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