LaGro, James A.
Site analysis : Informing context-sensitive and sustainable site planing and design - 3rd. - New Jersey 2013 - xiii, 365p. | Binding- Hard Bound |
Sustainable design is responsive to context. And each site has aunique set of physical, biological, cultural, and legal attributesthat presents different opportunities and constraints foralternative uses of the site. Site analysis systematicallyevaluates these on-site and off-site factors to inform the designof places—including neighborhoods and communities—thatare attractive, walkable, and climate-resilient.
This Third Edition of Site Analysis is fullyupdated to cover the latest topics in low-impact,location-efficient design and development. This complete, user-friendly guide:
Blends theory andpractice from the fields of landscapearchitecture, urban planning, architecture, geography, and urbandesign
Addresses important sustainability topics, including LEED-ND,Sustainable Sites, STAR community index, and climateadaptation
Details the objectives and visualization methods used in eachphase of the site planning and design process
Explains the influence of codes, ordinances, and site planapproval processes on the design of the built environment
Includes more than 200 illustrations and eight case studies ofprojects completed by leading planning and design firms
Site Analysis, Third Edition is the ideal guide forstudents taking courses in site analysis, site planning, andenvironmental design. New material includes review questions at theend of each chapter for students as well as early-careerprofessionals preparing for the ARE, LARE, or AICP exams.
720.28 / LAG
Site analysis : Informing context-sensitive and sustainable site planing and design - 3rd. - New Jersey 2013 - xiii, 365p. | Binding- Hard Bound |
Sustainable design is responsive to context. And each site has aunique set of physical, biological, cultural, and legal attributesthat presents different opportunities and constraints foralternative uses of the site. Site analysis systematicallyevaluates these on-site and off-site factors to inform the designof places—including neighborhoods and communities—thatare attractive, walkable, and climate-resilient.
This Third Edition of Site Analysis is fullyupdated to cover the latest topics in low-impact,location-efficient design and development. This complete, user-friendly guide:
Blends theory andpractice from the fields of landscapearchitecture, urban planning, architecture, geography, and urbandesign
Addresses important sustainability topics, including LEED-ND,Sustainable Sites, STAR community index, and climateadaptation
Details the objectives and visualization methods used in eachphase of the site planning and design process
Explains the influence of codes, ordinances, and site planapproval processes on the design of the built environment
Includes more than 200 illustrations and eight case studies ofprojects completed by leading planning and design firms
Site Analysis, Third Edition is the ideal guide forstudents taking courses in site analysis, site planning, andenvironmental design. New material includes review questions at theend of each chapter for students as well as early-careerprofessionals preparing for the ARE, LARE, or AICP exams.
720.28 / LAG