Roth, Charles H.

Fundamentals of logic design - 4th - Mumbai Jaico Publishing House 1992 - xviii,770 p. | Binding - Paperback |

This text was developed specifically to meet the needs of a self- paced course. The book provides basic mathematical tools needed to analyze and synthesize an important class of switching network. In addition to the standard reading material and problems, study guides and other aids for self-study are included in the text. It is suitable for both engineering and computer science students. The text attempts to achieve a balance between theory and application. For this reason, the text does not over-emphasize the mathematics of switching theory, however it does present the theory which is necessary for understanding the fundamental concepts of logic design. After completing this text, the student should be prepared for a more advanced digital system design course which stresses more intuitive concepts like the development of algorithms for digital processes, partitioning of digital system into sub-system and implementation of digital systems using currently available hardware.


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