Ayers, Andrew

Second City :M9 Museum District by Sauerbruch Hutton - Vol. 207(2), February, - New York BNP Media 2019 - 55-64

Mestre, to borrow an architectural metaphor, is the Brick House to Venice’s Glass House. Just as Philip Johnson’s workaday masonry structure houses all the support systems that allow his minimalist crystal box to function, so the municipality of Mestre and its neighboring mainland boroughs—which are officially part of the Comune di Venezia—contain all the gritty bits that permit a major modern port to operate: passenger and container docks, Marco Polo international airport, oil refineries and other industry, not to mention the majority of Venice’s 260,000 inhabitants. But it is of course to the historic center—home to just 51,000 people at the last count—that all the tourists flock: 4.4 million of them in 2017.


Italy Brick
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