Nallathiga, Ramakrishna

Resource Mobilisation for Urban Development in Indai :Some Options and Experiences - Vol.15(4), Oct-Dec - New Delhi Institute of Town Planners 2018 - 37-46p.

The development of cities primarily constitutes the development of land and housing as well as the provision of community infrastructure services both physical and socio-economic for the growing urban population. The creation of urban development infrastructure i.e. land, shelter and civic services would require dispensing a large amount of resources by the urban local governments. The addition of other functions viz., urban poverty alleviation, urban transport, urban forestry and animal welfare, has further compounded the resource needs. Therefore, the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) need to mobilise resources for meeting the pressures of urban development outside traditional framework, which is analyzed in this paper. Apart from reforming and strengthening conventional resources, it is suggested in this paper that the ULBs have to exploit the potential of non-conventional means of resource mobilisation

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