Shankar R.

Perspective on Environmental Challenges of Urbanization - Vol.15(1), Jan-Mar - New Delhi Institute of Town Planners 2018 - 63-73p.

In India, recent years has brought a host of problems to urban areas, which are generally characterized by arbitrary and inefficient land use developments, deteriorating living conditions and growing environmental degradation. Negative effects of rapid suburban growth are evidenced in the haphazard development of suburban land and resultant infrastructure problems. Lack of planning that characterizes most suburban growth has resulted in higher transportation costs in terms of money, time and inconvenience for suburban residents, in higher public sector costs, undesirable land use patterns and in the inadequate supply of open spaces, recreational facilities and other amenities. However, alarming the present urban growth situation may be, it is possible to put it on a track of sustainability. What may be lacking is the initiative and resolve for bold action and innovative ideas to deal urgently with a set of complex challenges we have created.

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