Deshpande, Prasanna R.

Research Involvement of Pharmacy Faculties in India - Vol.52(1), Jan-Mar - Karnataka Indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research 2018 - 21-31p.

Objective: The contribution of Indian pharmacy research is unremarkable in the world. Hence, we aimed to determine the research involvement and research productivity of Indian pharmacy faculties. Methods: A questionnaire evaluating research involvement and research productivity of the faculties was developed, validated and sent to 7536 email addresses. The main question categories in the questionnaire were- demographics, journal related research activities, conference related research activities, opinions about research and others. Results: We received 295 responses with the response rate of 3.91%. The male: female ratio was 2.78. The important average values in the survey were- experience in teaching/research= 12.51 years, Time spent on research/related activities=131.56 min/day, Research based publications= 34.3, Patents received=0.90.Conclusion: Although our study generates huge ‘quantitative’ data, serious inputs are needed to improve the overall ‘quality’ of Indian pharmacy academic research. Further research is indeed required to strengthen the field.

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