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Development of Paperless Load Allocation Tool for Hod Using Linked Google Spreadsheets

By: Kulkarni, Sangeeta S.
Contributor(s): Patel, Kartik R.
Publisher: Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2018Edition: Vol.31(3), Jan.Description: 42-46p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied ScienceOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformationsSummary: In any academic institute teaching load allotment for the next academic session is a tedious job of the Head of Department (HOD).The process involves steps from database creation, faculty preferences, and allotment by HOD till fulfilling of complete departmental load without overloading any faculty. During the process of actual allotment HOD needs to constantly update the load of each faculty in all the related documents so that final tally is made and time table can be prepared based on the allotted load. As number of faculty and teaching load increases handling of paper documents becomes cumbersome. The paper presents case study of use of linked Google spreadsheets as a useful tool to HOD in an Autonomous institute in University of Mumbai. HOD can manage the entries in all sheets to complete the process without worrying about missed or wrong entries. Use of this ICT tool reduces time, errors in entries and usage of paper.
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In any academic institute teaching load allotment for the next academic session is a tedious job of the Head of Department (HOD).The process involves steps from database creation, faculty preferences, and allotment by HOD till fulfilling of complete departmental load without overloading any faculty. During the process of actual allotment HOD needs to constantly update the load of each faculty in all the related documents so that final tally is made and time table can be prepared based on the allotted load. As number of faculty and teaching load increases handling of paper documents becomes cumbersome.

The paper presents case study of use of linked Google spreadsheets as a useful tool to HOD in an Autonomous institute in University of Mumbai. HOD can manage the entries in all sheets to complete the process without worrying about missed or wrong entries. Use of this ICT tool reduces time, errors in entries and usage of paper.

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