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Scholastic Building III Sarisha, West Bengal

By: Guha, Debmalya.
Publisher: Mumbai The Indian Institute of Architects 2019Edition: Vol.84(7), July.Description: 92-99p.Subject(s): ARCHITECTURE GENERAL (AR-GEN)Online resources: Click here In: Journal of the Indian institute of architectsSummary: With podiums at different heights coupled with stairs along with the play of light and shadows, accentuates the feeling of a seeing through a huge camera, taking urban scenes into its viewfinder and showcasing various scenes composed of themselves for the students who tread the scholastic path through the campus."
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With podiums at different heights coupled with stairs along with the play of light and shadows, accentuates the feeling of a seeing through a huge camera, taking urban scenes into its viewfinder and showcasing various scenes composed of themselves for the students who tread the scholastic path through the campus."

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