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Benares: The sacred landscape of varanasi

By: Gutschow, Niels.
Publisher: London Edition Axel Menges 2006Description: 498 Pages | Binding- Hard Bound |.ISBN: AIKTC-KRRC.Subject(s): ARCHITECTURE BY REGION (AR-REG)DDC classification: 720.9542 Summary: The book gives a comprehensive view of the complex world of India's sacred place par excellence, also known as Benares. Beyond a scholarly presentation of pilgrimages and documentation of their routes, the book opens a new view: visually compelling photographs focus on sacred objects.
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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Circulation 720.9542 GUT (Browse shelf) Available A1133
Total holds: 0

The book gives a comprehensive view of the complex world of India's sacred place par excellence, also known as Benares. Beyond a scholarly presentation of pilgrimages and documentation of their routes, the book opens a new view: visually compelling photographs focus on sacred objects.

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