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1000 interior details for the home and where to find them

By: Rudge, Ian.
Contributor(s): Rudge, Geraldine.
Publisher: City Road Laurence King Publishing 2009Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 384 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 9781856696104.Subject(s): WALLSANDFLOORS; WINDOWSANDDORS | INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNITURE (AR-ID)DDC classification: 747.7 Summary: This book looks at every aspect of interior detail for domestic spaces. It is designed to appeal to anyone interested in improving the home environment, from DIY enthusiasts to professionals such as architects and interior designers. Products selected come from around the world and are all currently available to buy (websites of manufacturers/suppliers are included in the product captions). The selection includes a combination of the newest and the best products launched since the millennium, arranged into chapters to provide inspiration for every space in the domestic interior. The book has seven chapters: Walls and Floors; Doors, Windows and Stairs; Heating and Cooling; Kitchens; Bathrooms; Lighting; Home Technology. Each chapter is prefaced by an in-depth interview with a leading architect or designer who has a specialist knowledge of the chapters subject. For example, James Soane, co-founder of Project Orange, looks at windows and doors. Gregorio Spini, the founder of Kundalini, one of Italy's most progressive lighting manufacturers, discusses domestic lighting. Jack Mama, creative director at Philips Design, talks about technology in the home.
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