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Atkins: architecture and urban design: selected & current works 2011

By: Atkins.
Publisher: Victoria Image Publishing 2011Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 461 Pages.ISBN: 9781864704518.Subject(s): ATKINSNOW; SUSTAINABILITY AND CARBONCRITICAL DESIGN; HOTELS; RESIDENTIAL; OFFICES AND COMMERICIAL; MIXED-USE; SPORT AND LEISURE | ARCHITECT WORKS (AR-AW)DDC classification: 720.92 Summary: As the fourth-largest design firm in the world, Atkins was long recognised for its engineering expertise. In 1999, its remarkable architectural design capabilities were propelled into the international arena by its iconic Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. This book, a first for Atkins, presents in one volume the wide diversity of its acclaimed architectural and urban design projects undertaken in the UK, the Middle East, China, the USA and Europe. Projects include hotels, residential, offices, sports and leisure facilities, health care, education, transportation and master planning.
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As the fourth-largest design firm in the world, Atkins was long recognised for its engineering expertise. In 1999, its remarkable architectural design capabilities were propelled into the international arena by its iconic Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. This book, a first for Atkins, presents in one volume the wide diversity of its acclaimed architectural and urban design projects undertaken in the UK, the Middle East, China, the USA and Europe. Projects include hotels, residential, offices, sports and leisure facilities, health care, education, transportation and master planning.

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