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Enhancement of Engineering Education by Incorporating Active Learning Methodologies

By: Senthil, R.
Publisher: Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2020Edition: Vol.34(1), Jul.Description: 12-20p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied ScienceOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformationsSummary: recent years, there has been a decline in the number of students opting for engineering education worldwide. Especially, the declining enrollment in engineering programs was observed sharp for the last two years in India. The widening unfulfilled gap between the educational institutional purposes and the engineering aspirations are exponentially increasing in recent years. Strong knowledge of international trends in engineering education is vital to introduce the state-of-art infrastructure active and project-based learning facilities in the institutions to impart the required competent skills. A case study on active learning methods is implemented on one of the undergraduate courses and academic performance are compared with the feedback. The top-two learning methodologies are found effective to be project-based learning and conference publication. ALM is observed to be one of the motivating factors to enhance the project-based learning among science and engineering students towards capability development. The student's involvement in learning certainly improves their competency and it could be enhanced by the activity based learning methodologies (ALM) rather than the classroom teaching.
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recent years, there has been a decline in the number of students opting for engineering education worldwide. Especially, the declining enrollment in engineering programs was observed sharp for the last two years in India. The widening unfulfilled gap between the educational institutional purposes and the engineering aspirations are exponentially increasing in recent years. Strong knowledge of international trends in engineering education is vital to introduce the state-of-art infrastructure active and project-based learning facilities in the institutions to impart the required competent skills. A case study on active learning methods is implemented on one of the undergraduate courses and academic performance are compared with the feedback. The top-two learning methodologies are found effective to be project-based learning and conference publication. ALM is observed to be one of the motivating factors to enhance the project-based learning among science and engineering students towards capability development. The student's involvement in learning certainly improves their competency and it could be enhanced by the activity based learning methodologies (ALM) rather than the classroom teaching.

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