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Architecture of parking

By: Henley, Simon.
Publisher: London Thames & Hudson 2007Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 256 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 978-0-500-28796-5.Subject(s): PARKING ARCH | BUILDING TYPES (AR-BUIL)DDC classification: 725.38 Summary: Newly available in paperback, this book remains the only comprehensive international survey of one of the most neglected but most important building types of the modern era: the parking garage. An introduction sets out the history and architectural significance of these buildings and their relevance today, and is followed by four main chapters that define the most influential aspects of parking design: elevations and facade; construction and materiality; the use of light; and, experimentation. The book's wide-ranging importance and detailed plans make it an indispensable and inspirational resource for students, professional architects, engineers, urban planners and developers.
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