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City : Landform in transformation

By: Kadam, Abhishek [Guide].
Contributor(s): Khan, Mohammed Aquib (17AR15).
Publisher: New Panvel AIKTC, School of Architecture 2021Description: 82p. | Binding- Hard Bound | 29.5*21.5 cm.Subject(s): Project ReportsDDC classification: 720.7 Online resources: Click Here to Explore Digital Copy Summary: Now a day, we are confronting a problem regarding the solid waste management generated daily. A larger amount of waste is generated due to which landfill increases. As there is an increase in waste generation people are unaware of recycling waste. This has a severe impact on the community and environment. Which has given rise to several problems regarding the health and livelihood of the population. The waste generated by Mumbai city is enormous in amount. Hence, this waste is dumped in three open garbage dumps one of them is the Deonar dumping ground. Deonar dumping ground has disrupted the urban fabric by affecting the health and lifestyle of people residing there. Garbage there is collected by unskilled workers like rag pickers. Those rag pickers suffer from health issues due to the dumping ground. Even children are included in collecting garbage which affects their health and education. Rag pickers are more affected by dumping ground’s environmental status, which also affects the health and lifestyle as they inhale toxic gas. and to understand the adverse effect of dumping ground within its vicinity and creating awareness along with improving the lifestyle through the medium of architecture.
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Now a day, we are confronting a problem regarding the solid waste management generated daily. A larger amount of waste is generated due to which landfill increases. As there is an increase in waste generation people are unaware of recycling waste. This has a severe impact on the community and environment. Which has given rise to several problems regarding the health and livelihood of the population. The waste generated by Mumbai city is enormous in amount. Hence, this waste is dumped in three open garbage dumps one of them is the Deonar dumping ground. Deonar dumping ground has disrupted the urban fabric by affecting the health and lifestyle of people residing there. Garbage there is collected by unskilled workers like rag pickers. Those rag pickers suffer from health issues due to the dumping ground. Even children are included in collecting garbage which affects their health and education. Rag pickers are more affected by dumping ground’s environmental status, which also affects the health and lifestyle as they inhale toxic gas. and to understand the adverse effect of dumping ground within its vicinity and creating awareness along with improving the lifestyle through the medium of architecture.

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