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High density housing architecture

By: Duran, Sergi Costa.
Publisher: Bercelona LOFT Publication 2009Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 215 Pages.ISBN: 978-84-92463-35-0.Subject(s): BUILDING TYPES (AR-BUIL)DDC classification: 728.314 Summary: "High Density Housing" shows different types of multi-residential buildings situated in urban centres as a metaphor for the growing overcrowding of cities and for what some call the 'new global lifestyle'. These pages document some 25 low and high density residential projects in cities such as Istanbul, New York, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney.
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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Circulation 728.314 DUR (Browse shelf) Available A1648
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728.312 WEA High rise living 728.314 BRO/KRA Innovative apartment buildings 728.314 CHE Multi-unit housing in urban cities 728.314 DUR High density housing architecture 728.314 MOS New concepts in apartment buildings 728.314 SEO Apartment housing 728.314 WEI Housing+

"High Density Housing" shows different types of multi-residential buildings situated in urban centres as a metaphor for the growing overcrowding of cities and for what some call the 'new global lifestyle'. These pages document some 25 low and high density residential projects in cities such as Istanbul, New York, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney.

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