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Space planning basics

By: Karlen, Mark.
Publisher: New Jersey John Wiley & Sons 2009Edition: 3rd Ed.Description: x,228 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 9780470231784.Subject(s): ARCHITECT WORKS (AR-AW)DDC classification: 720.28 Summary: The definitive book on space planning Revised to address the most up–to–date developments in professional practice and technologies, Space Planning Basics, now in its Third Edition, offers a highly visual, step–by–step approach to developing preliminary floor plans for commercial spaces. It provides all the necessary tools and know–how to effectively organize and configure space and walks the designer through other considerations such as building code requirements and environmental control needs. Illustrated with new drawings and exercises, this Third Edition develops the reader′s applicable skills and ability to solve day–to–day issues in the real world. The text explains how to use matrices, bubble diagrams, block plans, and CAD templates for establishing a workable spatial organization. New to this edition: Coverage of the basics of stair design, an essential element in planning spaces New section on stair design offers the basic information needed for incorporating this crucial component of interior space Programming examples for both small and large commercial spaces (up to 4,000 square feet) Thoughtfully designed to help the reader absorb and master the material through hands–on exercises, Space Planning Basics, Third Edition is a valuable learning tool for intermediate–level students in interior design, architecture, facilities management, and construction management, as well as professionals in these fields.
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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The definitive book on space planning

Revised to address the most up–to–date developments in professional practice and technologies, Space Planning Basics, now in its Third Edition, offers a highly visual, step–by–step approach to developing preliminary floor plans for commercial spaces. It provides all the necessary tools and know–how to effectively organize and configure space and walks the designer through other considerations such as building code requirements and environmental control needs.

Illustrated with new drawings and exercises, this Third Edition develops the reader′s applicable skills and ability to solve day–to–day issues in the real world. The text explains how to use matrices, bubble diagrams, block plans, and CAD templates for establishing a workable spatial organization.

New to this edition:

Coverage of the basics of stair design, an essential element in planning spaces

New section on stair design offers the basic information needed for incorporating this crucial component of interior space

Programming examples for both small and large commercial spaces (up to 4,000 square feet)

Thoughtfully designed to help the reader absorb and master the material through hands–on exercises, Space Planning Basics, Third Edition is a valuable learning tool for intermediate–level students in interior design, architecture, facilities management, and construction management, as well as professionals in these fields.

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