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Design with climate

By: Olgyay, Victor.
Contributor(s): Olgyay, Aladar.
Publisher: New Jersy 2015Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 190 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 9780691169736.Subject(s): ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENT (AR-ENV)DDC classification: 720.47 Summary: Architects today incorporate principles of sustainable design as a matter of necessity. But the challenge of unifying climate control and building functionality, of securing a managed environment within a natural setting--and combating the harsh forces of wind, water, and sun--presented a new set of obstacles to architects and engineers in the mid-twentieth century. First published in 1963, Design with Climate was one of the most pioneering books in the field and remains an important reference for practitioners, teachers, and students, over fifty years later. In this book, Victor Olgyay explores the impact of climate on shelter design, identifying four distinct climatic regions and explaining the effect of each on orientation, air movement, site, and materials. He derives principles from biology, engineering, meteorology, and physics, and demonstrates how an analytical approach to climate management can merge into a harmonious and aesthetically sound design concept. This updated edition contains four new essays that provide unique insights on issues of climate design, showing how Olgyay's concepts work in contemporary practice. Ken Yeang, John Reynolds, Victor W. Olgyay, and Donlyn Lyndon explore bioclimatic design, eco design, and rational regionalism, while paying homage to Olgyay's impressive groundwork and contributions to the field of architecture.
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