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My life, my ink

By: Pitkar, Yashwant.
Publisher: Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021Edition: Vol.86(11), Nov.Description: 81-82p.Subject(s): ARCHITECTURE GENERAL (AR-GEN)Online resources: Click here In: Journal of the Indian institute of architects :(JIIA)Summary: It has been over fifty years that I am using fountain pens. As time passed, so did my passion. The journey has been long. The heart of a fountain pen is its nib and its blood is the ink. In the early days, the only known ink colours were blue, black, red and green. My journey began with blue Camel ink and then there was no end ... I started to collect other brands and colours and the list slowly grew. The ink brands, colours and shapes of bottles have multiple stories, and I can briefly point out the same for users and collectors:
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It has been over fifty years that I am using fountain pens. As
time passed, so did my passion. The journey has been long.
The heart of a fountain pen is its nib and its blood is the ink.
In the early days, the only known ink colours were blue, black,
red and green. My journey began with blue Camel ink and
then there was no end ... I started to collect other brands and
colours and the list slowly grew. The ink brands, colours and
shapes of bottles have multiple stories, and I can briefly point
out the same for users and collectors:

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