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Comprehensive review on lossy and lossless compression techniques

By: Elakkiya, S.
Contributor(s): Thivya, K. S.
Publisher: New York Springer 2022Edition: Vol.103(3), June.Description: 1003-1012p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied SciencesOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of the institution of engineers (India): Series BSummary: Images are now employed as data in a variety of applications, including medical imaging, remote sensing, pattern recognition, and video processing. Image compression is the process of minimizing the size of images by removing or grouping certain parts of an image file without affecting the quality, thereby saving storage space and bandwidth. Image compression plays a vital role where there is a need for images to be stored, transmitted, or viewed quickly and efficiently. There are different techniques through which images can be compressed. This paper mainly focuses on the survey of basic compression techniques available and the performance metrics that are used to evaluate them. In addition to this, it also provides a review of important pieces of the literature relating to advancements in the fundamental lossy and lossless compression algorithms.
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Images are now employed as data in a variety of applications, including medical imaging, remote sensing, pattern recognition, and video processing. Image compression is the process of minimizing the size of images by removing or grouping certain parts of an image file without affecting the quality, thereby saving storage space and bandwidth. Image compression plays a vital role where there is a need for images to be stored, transmitted, or viewed quickly and efficiently. There are different techniques through which images can be compressed. This paper mainly focuses on the survey of basic compression techniques available and the performance metrics that are used to evaluate them. In addition to this, it also provides a review of important pieces of the literature relating to advancements in the fundamental lossy and lossless compression algorithms.

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