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Norman foster: life in architecture

By: Sudjic, Deyan.
Publisher: New York Overlook Press 2010Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 308 Pages.ISBN: 9781590204320.Subject(s): ARCHITECT WORKS (AR-AW)DDC classification: 720.92 Summary: Norman Foster is a phenomenon - as an architect, but also as an individual. He is responsible for a dozen or more of the most recognizable buildings of the last 30 years. Amongst many other buildings, Norman Foster is responsible for the design of Beijing's new airport, one of the world's largest, for the Rossiya tower in Moscow, in contention to be the tallest skyscraper in Europe until the credit crunch killed it, for one of the towers at Ground Zero in Manhattan, and for a crop of new towers in London. He designed the Reichstag, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banks headquarters in London and China, the new Wembley stadium and the British Museum¹s new court. Deyan Sudjic's insightful and elegantly written biography charts the remarkable life of one of the world¹s most influential architectural figures.
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Norman Foster is a phenomenon - as an architect, but also as an individual. He is responsible for a dozen or more of the most recognizable buildings of the last 30 years.

Amongst many other buildings, Norman Foster is responsible for the design of Beijing's new airport, one of the world's largest, for the Rossiya tower in Moscow, in contention to be the tallest skyscraper in Europe until the credit crunch killed it, for one of the towers at Ground Zero in Manhattan, and for a crop of new towers in London. He designed the Reichstag, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banks headquarters in London and China, the new Wembley stadium and the British Museum¹s new court.

Deyan Sudjic's insightful and elegantly written biography charts the remarkable life of one of the world¹s most influential architectural figures.

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