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Experimental architecture houses

Publisher: Barcelona Links 2004Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 287 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 9788489861466.Subject(s): SPECIFIC BUILDINGS (AR-SPL)DDC classification: 720.4 Summary: The reader won't find a single brownstone house surrounded by a white picket fence here, as these unconventional houses have been designed strictly for the adventurer at heart. Whether it be the gorgeous wood-filled nave of the barn-like home in upstate New York, the house in Aspen whose wavy modules cascade down the mountainside or the truly unprecedented "soft and hairy" building in Japan, to give just a few examples, each radically defies convention in its own unique way. Projects have been chosen from the ranks of architecture's renowned masters: Michael Jantzen, Shigeru Ban or Rem Koolhaas, with details of design and construction provided by the studios themselves.
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The reader won't find a single brownstone house surrounded by a white picket fence here, as these unconventional houses have been designed strictly for the adventurer at heart. Whether it be the gorgeous wood-filled nave of the barn-like home in upstate New York, the house in Aspen whose wavy modules cascade down the mountainside or the truly unprecedented "soft and hairy" building in Japan, to give just a few examples, each radically defies convention in its own unique way. Projects have been chosen from the ranks of architecture's renowned masters: Michael Jantzen, Shigeru Ban or Rem Koolhaas, with details of design and construction provided by the studios themselves.

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